Happy Mapdeck! Development updates, Data science toolsDavid Cooley6 December 2018R, development, packages, mapdeck, rstatsComment
Mapdeck is leaving R Data science tools, Development updatesDavid Cooley20 September 2018R, Rcpp, mapdeck Comments
GeoJSON in R with the geojsonsf package Data science tools, Development updatesDavid Cooley22 May 2018R, geojson, rstats, geospatial Comment
Getting started with keras in R Team support, Data science toolsElizabeth21 March 2018R, rstats, machine learning, deep learning, data science, packages, tutorialComment
googleway v2.4 now live Development updatesDavid Cooley2 February 2018R, googleway, Google Maps, rstats, geovis, spatialComment
googlePolylines package released Development updatesDavid Cooley23 January 2018R, googleway, spatial, packages, rstats, github, open sourceComment
What's next in googleway: load interval Development updatesDavid Cooley23 November 2017googleway, rstats, spatial, R, Google MapsComment
What's next in googleway: drag & drop geoJSON Development updatesDavid Cooley9 October 2017R, development, short read, github, open source, googleway, Google Maps Comment
An R-docker hello world example Data analyst, Data science toolsElizabeth20 September 2017R, docker, data science, tutorial, containers, data engineering Comments
Geospatial Queries - R and MongoDB Data analyst, Analysis services, How we workDavid Cooley5 September 2017R, spatial, mongodbComment
Code: Simplicity or Speed? Data analyst, Team supportDavid Cooley26 July 2017R, Rcpp, data science, stackoverflowComment
Fast and reproducible reports with bookdown Project manager, Team supportAlex Jackson21 July 2017R, bookdown, data science, reproducible, LaTeX, rmarkdown Comments
spatial.data.table 2 - Encoding Spatial Data Data analyst, Team supportDavid Cooley14 July 2017R, spatial.data.table, spatial, googleway Comment
spatial.data.table 1 - Efficient Haversine Calculation Data analyst, Team supportDavid Cooley28 June 2017data.table, spatial.data.table, spatial, stackoverflow, R Comments
Plotting flight paths with googleway in R Data analyst, Team supportElizabeth4 May 2017R, googleway, spatial, R shiny Comment