We work with a range of clients, and often our solutions are sensitive or give our clients a competitive advantage. As such, we can’t always share the nitty gritty of these projects with the world.
Instead, here is a selection of short case studies so you can see the range of data science and analytics work we have delivered. If you’d like to know more about any of these, or have a question about an area that’s not listed, please contact us to learn more.
To support our statistical survey design work with PTV, we developed an R algorithm that combines public transport timetables, spatial transport network data and statistical sampling rules to automate the process of allocating shifts for survey field data collectors.
We designed and constructed an unsupervised clustering algorithm that classified and clustered smart meter data into 3+ phases. The clustering was based on a custom distance metric we designed, and was implemented using standard libraries in the R programming environment.
Symbolix provided sampling methodology and sampling draws, data auditing, statistical data imputation, survey weighting and statistics reporting for VISTA 12-16 (ongoing), the Rockhampton and Cairns regional travel surveys.
We have developed an R library (googleway development, R CRAN release) which provides a set of convenience functions to access the Google Maps API from the R programming environment. Googleway provides access to Google Maps APIs...
We undertook a research and development project to assess the feasibility of automated monitoring of flight paths for raptors at wind farm sites. The large size of the area and the small size of the target object posed a unique computer vision problem.
We have provided consulting and solutions for data providers such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Russian census team and teams like SpaceTime Research and CRC-SI to evaluate privacy protection methods and to develop new ones.
Dept of Human Service Victoria had to compile an analyst team consisting of subject matter experts, reporting and compliance officers from different divisions. They faced familiar challenges of different work practices, skill levels and processes.