You know your business, we know numbers. We access, combine and analyse data to answer your business questions. Then we make sure that the solution is embedded in your team and you have what you need to access and use these insights.
We have a fully functioning data scientist team ‘for-hire’. Our analysts are experienced in statistics, applied maths, analytics technologies and tools. They are the engine room for our data science applications and can be the same for your team.
What we offer
Survey design
Efficient and statistically robust samples
Statistical data analysis
Rigorous methods, communicated clearly
Statistical reports and dashboards
Insight where you need it. Tailored to your users.
Asset management
Reporting and predicting
Resource management & planning
Data-driven KPIs
Data dissemination
Protecting privacy and confidentiality
Research and development
Proof of concept methods and algorithms
Analysis and reporting tools
Custom scripts/processes/stacks/dashboards
Why us?
We are business-focussed and analysts ourselves. Our clients can expect careful design, customised solutions and knowledge transfer through documentation, training and frequent communication throughout the project.
Symbolix practice an agile development, which means that the client becomes an integral part of the team. Such an approach ensures faster, more tuned deliverables, and can handle the modern data environment, where data feed stocks may change day-to-day. As the ‘product-owner’, our clients are regularly involved in status updates and decisions regarding tuning and alteration of staged deliverables.

Symbolix provided sampling methodology and sampling draws, data auditing, statistical data imputation, survey weighting and statistics reporting for VISTA 12-16 (ongoing), the Rockhampton and Cairns regional travel surveys.